LULU 发表于 2009-3-9 17:35

<P align=center>很多事情很矛盾<BR>很多人很难理解<BR>很多结局很无奈<BR>总会有那么一刻你的心情会五味杂陈吧<BR>很多时候<BR>你需要的<BR>或许仅仅只是每天来每日一歌<BR>用音乐小小的放纵一下心情</P>
<P align=center>粉色怪物,喜欢把曲名翻译成这样,很可爱也很勇敢的样子~<BR>而这样的歌也一定会让你的新一天欢快无畏开朗起来吧~</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>Jason Mraz </P>
<P align=center>Geek In The Pink </P>
<P align=center>(Yo brotha A to Z) <BR>(Yo what''s up B?) <BR>(Yo what time is it?) <BR>(Haha... its laundry day!) </P>
<P align=center>Well let the geek in the pink take a stab at it <BR>If you like the way I''m thinkin'' baby wink at it <BR>I may be skinny at times but I''m fat fulla rhymes <BR>Pass me the mic and I''m a grab at it <BR>well isn''t it delicious crazy way that I''m kissin'' <BR>Cause baby listen to this don''t wanna miss it while it''s hittin'' <BR>Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in <BR>But don''t ever quit cause soon I''m gonna let you in but see </P>
<P align=center>I don''t care what you might think about me <BR>You''ll get by without me if you want <BR>I could be the one to take you home <BR>Baby we could rock the night alone <BR>If we never get down it wouldn''t be a let down <BR>But sugar don''t forget what you already know <BR>I could be the one to turn you out <BR>We could be the talk across the town <BR>Don''t judge it by the color, confuse it for another <BR>You might regret what you let slip away </P>
<P align=center>Like the geek in the pink pink pink <BR>Like the geek in the pink yeah </P>
<P align=center>Well this relationship fodder don''t mean to bother nobody <BR>But Cupid''s automatic musta fired multiple shots at her <BR>Because she fall in love too often that''s whats the matter <BR>At least I talk about it keep a pattern of flattery and <BR>She was starin'' through the doorframe <BR>and eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend <BR>Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then <BR>Cause I ain''t comin'' home I don''t need that attention, see </P>
<P align=center>I don''t care what she might think about me <BR>she''ll get by without me if she want <BR>I could be the one to take her home <BR>Baby we could rock the night alone <BR>If we never get down it wouldn''t be a let down </P>
<P align=center>But sugar don''t forget what you already know <BR>I could be the one to turn you out <BR>We could be the talk across the town <BR>Don''t judge it by the color, confuse it for another <BR>You might regret what you let slip away </P>
<P align=center>Hey baby look at me go <BR>From zero to hero <BR>You better take it from a geek like me <BR>I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums <BR>Who wouldn''t care if you com...plete him or not </P>
<P align=center>So what I''ve got a short attention span <BR>A coke in my hand <BR>Because I''d rather have the afternoon, relax and understand <BR>My hip hop and flip-flops well it don''t stop with the light rock <BR>A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot <BR>The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I''m <BR>Developing a language and I''m callin'' it my own <BR>So take a peek into the speaker and you''ll see what I mean <BR>That on the other side the grass is greener </P>
<P align=center>I don''t care what you might think about me <BR>You''ll get by without me if you want <BR>I could be the one to take you home <BR>Baby we could rock the night alone <BR>If we never get down it wouldn''t be a let down <BR>But sugar don''t forget what you already know <BR>I could be the one to turn you out <BR>We could be the talk across the town <BR>Don''t judge it by the color, confuse it for another <BR>You might regret what you let slip away </P>
<P align=center>Like the geek in the pink pink pink <BR>I''m the geek in the pink yeah <BR>geek is the color for fall <BR>I''m the geek in the pink yeah <BR>so I''m the geek y''all <BR>in the pink y''all <BR>geek is the color for fall <BR>I''m the geek in the pink</P>
<P align=center>来自网络:</P>
<P align=center>歌手:Jason Mraz </P>
<P align=center>国家:美国 </P>
<P align=center>生日:1977年6月27日 </P>
<P align=center>绰号: “男巫” </P>
<P align=center>专辑:2002年《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》 </P>
<P align=center>2004年《Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom》 </P>
<P align=center>2005年《Mr. A-Z》 </P>
<P align=center>“ 男巫 ” 倒不是别人送给的绰号,而是Jason Mraz对自己的形容。没有多少人会对这个形容表示怀疑,毕竟对于一个习惯于在夜酒吧里弹吉他吟唱些充满着迷离忧伤调的男孩, “ 男巫 ” 这样的形容恐怕是恰到好处。而一旦浮出水面被主流的 Elektra 唱片公司收编后,Jason Mraz仿佛就不太愿意再用 “ 男巫 ” 来形容自己了,他更愿意将自己打造成一个充满着阳光味道的大男孩,宛如自己的音乐风格:混杂着民谣、拉丁与电子。而这个 27 岁的小伙子之所以在过去的一年里成为美国乐坛的焦点人物,除了一副嗓子加一手漂亮的吉他外,他还坚持原创 —— 美国人总是格外推崇那种会唱会弹又会创作的音乐人 —— 即使有人说大概这还是美国式的个人英雄主义意识在作怪,但一个不争的事实是,美国乐坛已经越来越少这种全能的歌手了!不过对于更多Jason Mraz的拥趸来讲,两张唱片《 Waiting For My Rocket To Come CD 》和《 Mr.A-Z 》的诱惑力,远不及他的现场( LIVE )来得过瘾:又蹦又跳,嗓音常有意想不到的即兴发挥,甚至还突然颓废一下,再加上那张酷似英国明星休格兰特的忧郁气质的脸,混杂在一起,还是恰如一个男巫,清新而活力的男巫。 </P>
<P align=center>当所有乐评皆连番盛赞他的声音完美的像水晶般晶莹剔透,所有美国网路爱乐者都在悄悄讨论他和今年葛莱美最佳男歌手John Mayer究竟孰优孰劣,并说他的Live表演简直是此乐只有天上有的独一无二精彩演出,你开始好奇的想好好认识这个现在美国乐坛少见的天才型流行/民谣创作歌手—Jason Mraz。来自维吉尼亚朴实小镇,长得眉清目秀乍看有些休葛兰影子的Jason现年26岁,音乐生涯的启蒙者是也来自维吉尼亚的两大美式传统摇滚大角The Agents of Good Root和大卫马修乐团(Dave Matthews Band),但Jason真正接触音乐却是从中学时搬到纽约上美国音乐影艺学院开始。18岁时Jason却发现自己即刻真正想要的是音乐创作,毅然辍学并拾起吉他开始他在曼哈顿的音乐浪人之旅。在落脚加州圣地牙哥并在当地的酒馆常态表演后,Jason遇到影响他最深远的鼓手Toca Rivera,他多样化的部落打击鼓乐让Jason音乐充满惊奇和富变化性,他俩的精彩现场演出也在整个西岸和网路间流传,也因而为Jason赢得一纸Elektra唱片合约。 </P>
<P align=center>这位杰出的创作型歌手这次给我带来了这张每一首歌曲都是成功典范的专辑,专辑的名字巧妙地取为Mr.A-Z,就成了一张同名专辑。专辑的开场是一首清淡的Life Is Wonderful,旋律相当的catchy,那段拉拉拉的高潮朴实而又深刻。新专辑的第一首单曲Wordplay是Remedy的翻版,有说有唱的表演方式独具Jason Mraz的特色,像这样的说说唱唱在Geek in the Pink中同样可以听到,专辑中还有相当数量的慢歌,Mr Curiosity中Jason Mraz一改先前那种嘻皮姿态,而以深情款款出现。Clockwatching的前奏是我最喜欢的,清新自然,再加上几分诙谐的暂停,中板的节奏带出一种轻松的气氛。接着Jason Mraz又带来了他的浪漫主义,异域味道的Bella Luna在吉他的伴奏下,在Jason Mraz不那么张扬的嗓音下,浮现出一幅翩翩起舞的场景。公认的专辑中最出色的作品之一的Plane,曲到高处,Jason的演唱经过渐进式的上升,到达歌曲在高潮时的顶峰,不紧不慢的演唱,足以证明Jason Mraz是世界上最佳的演唱者之一。长达8分钟的Song For a Friend也是我在专辑的最为喜欢的几首歌曲之一,这首歌曲在最后给人一种结束的感觉的同时,一下子加重的音乐,原来那时真正的高潮才刚刚来到。Jason Mraz的音乐原始,没有浮夸的痕迹,他总能用娓娓道来的方式演唱歌曲,在似乎平淡的歌声中隐藏着激情的燃烧。鲜明的个性也是这位被认为是有些attitude的John Mayer的特色,他同样参与了去年美国总统大选时倒布派的阵营。 </P><BR>

很傻很天真 发表于 2009-3-11 18:00

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查看完整版本: 每日一歌:Geek in the Pink 粉色怪物,哈穨 (3.6)