LULU 发表于 2009-2-27 15:21

<P align=center>春天的周末,阳光温暖~</P>
<P align=center>清新的早晨感受田园般的宁静~</P>
<P align=center>这样的感觉---天更蓝,空气更新鲜~</P>
<P align=center>人也会跟着变得快乐~</P>
<P align=center>周末愉快^_^</P>
<P align=center>谁在轻轻拨动心弦平平仄仄地敲打风吟低和 云水徜徉爱似柔软的枝条疯长幻梦在泥土深处绽放微笑支撑树的王冠灵之翼在恬淡清芬中振翅朴素的意象变得轻柔 渺茫时光打开编辑器复制 粘贴 剪裁生命之轻 难以描摹涤尽三百六十五日的铅华是谁在反复地吟唱爱 是经得起平淡的流年</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>By an old drinking well on the grass so green <BR>穿过四周长满青草的一口水井 <BR>I lay down and fell into a dream<BR>我躺下来,陷入一个梦 <BR>By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird<BR>一个银色眼睛的鸟儿发出奇怪并且欢快的声音 <BR>I opened my eyes but said no word<BR>我睁开眼睛,但是没有说话 <BR>On the pathway came walking a woman so bold<BR>这条小径上很突然的出现了一个女子 <BR>Behind her in silence went the old<BR>后面跟着一位沉默的老人 <BR>Ahead ran the children with joyful cries<BR>前面跑着的孩子快乐地叫嚷 <BR>Their faces were lifted to the skies<BR>他们抬起头来看着蓝天 <BR>The woman's hair was raven and black as the night <BR>Covered with stars shining bright <BR>这个女子的头发像闪着星光的黑夜一样乌黑亮丽<BR>As they passed by the well I saw that their eyes <BR>当他们经过这口井的时候我看到了他们的眼睛<BR>Were flaming like many coloured ice<BR>热情的像多彩的水晶 <BR>They passed by the well like a breeze pure and clean<BR>他们像纯净的微风一样经过这井 <BR>Soon they were nowhere to be seen<BR>很快便不见了<BR>When I woke up alone on the grass so green<BR>当我自己从青翠的草地上醒来 <BR>I looked into the well to catch the dream<BR>我往井里看,寻找我的梦 <BR>The water was rising and I felt a chill<BR>泉水正在上涨,我感到失落 <BR>I willed the water to be still<BR>我希望水面是平静的 <BR>There was a face in the mirror like a face out of time<BR>水面上浮现一张面孔 <BR>The eyes held a shimmery shine<BR>它的眼睛微微的闪着光芒<BR>There was a face in the mirror<BR>水面上浮现一张面孔 <BR>and the face wasn't mine<BR>这不是我的影子<BR>The eyes held a shimmery shine<BR>它的眼睛里面微微的闪着光芒</P>

很傻很天真 发表于 2009-3-2 22:55

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查看完整版本: 每日一歌:感受田园般的宁静 the well (2.22)