LULU 发表于 2009-2-18 17:31

<P align=center>生活对于我们来说到底是什么呢?</P>
<P align=center>还是不明白---也许很多人一辈子都在追求一个答案吧...</P>
<P align=center>是平平凡凡还是风起云涌;</P>
<P align=center>是简简单单还是变化莫测;</P>
<P align=center>人生总是在考验着我们~</P>
<P align=center>生为拼搏~勇敢执着一回吧~</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>Doing everything that I believe in <BR>做所有我相信的事 <BR>Going by the rules that I've been taught <BR>按照我被教导的规则 <BR>More understanding of what's around me <BR>更加了解我身边的事物 <BR>And protected from the walls of love <BR>在爱的围栏中受到保护 <BR>All that you see is me <BR>你所见到的所有都是我 <BR>And all I truly believe <BR>我所真正相信的 <BR>That I was born to try <BR>我生来为了尝试 <BR>I've learned to love <BR>我已经学习去爱 <BR>Be understanding <BR>去了解 <BR>And believe in life <BR>相信生活 <BR>But you've got to make choices <BR>但你不得不做出决定 <BR>Be wrong or right <BR>对或错 <BR>Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like <BR>有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事 <BR>But I was born to try <BR>但我生来为了尝试 <BR>No point in talking what you should have been <BR>说你原本应该成为什么,那没有意义 <BR>And regretting the things that went on <BR>为已逝去的过去后悔 <BR>Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate <BR>生命充满了错误和命中注定 <BR>Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture <BR>移开乌云,看向更大的画面 <BR>And all that you see is me <BR>你看到的所有都是我 <BR>And all I truly believe <BR>我所真正相信的 <BR>That I was born to try <BR>我生来为了尝试 <BR>I've learned to love <BR>我已经学习去爱 <BR>Be understanding <BR>去了解 <BR>And believe in life <BR>相信生活 <BR>But you've got to make choices <BR>但你不得不做出决定 <BR>Be wrong or right <BR>对或错 <BR>Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like <BR>有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事 <BR>But I was born to try <BR>但我生来为了尝试 <BR>All that you see is me <BR>你看到的所有都是我 <BR>All I truly believe <BR>我所真正相信的 <BR>All that you see is me <BR>你看到的所有都是我 <BR>And all I truly believe <BR>我所真正相信的 <BR>That I was born to try <BR>我生来为了尝试 <BR>I've learned to love <BR>我已经学习去爱 <BR>Be understanding <BR>去了解 <BR>And believe in life <BR>相信生活 <BR>But you've got to make choices <BR>但你不得不做出决定 <BR>Be wrong or right <BR>对或错 <BR>Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like <BR>有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事 <BR>But I was born to try <BR>但我生来为了尝试 <BR>But you've got to make choices <BR>但你不得不做出决定 <BR>Be wrong or right <BR>对或错 <BR>Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like <BR>有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事 <BR>But I was born to try <BR>但我生来为了尝试</P>
<P align=center>有些人不想当明星都不行,就如星光灿烂的澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem(黛尔塔?古德莱姆)—— <BR>7岁轻松打进娱乐圈,为澳洲电视台拍广告并亮相于各类电视娱乐节目。12岁用自己挣来的钱自制个人唱片,其中包括五首自创作品和一首由黛尔塔本人演唱的澳大利亚国歌,唱片后被她邮寄给自己喜爱的足球队the Sydney Swans(“悉尼天鹅队”)。“天鹅队”遂充当伯乐,把这匹千里马碟转交给他们的铁杆球迷兼经纪人Glenn Wheatley。 <BR>在接下的两年间,Glenn极力打造黛儿品牌。15岁Delta如愿以偿,签到Sony旗下。18岁其首支单曲Born to try(《生为拼搏》)问世,随即拿下澳洲排行冠军,并一鼓作气抢占英国、新西兰冠军排行。2003年,凭借首张专辑“Innocent Eyes”(《纯真眼眸》),黛尔塔一举摘取了当年ARIA(“澳大利亚音乐大奖”)最佳流行专辑、最佳新人专辑、最佳女艺人、最畅销单曲和最畅销专辑等7项桂冠。 <BR>于是乎,几乎所有的人都认为,又一位国际巨星将从澳洲诞生。而对于这一切,黛尔塔仅用一句话作总结:“这才刚刚开始。” <BR>如歌曲“Born to try”(《生为拼搏》)所述——Doing everything that I believe in,专辑“Innocent eyes”(《纯真眼眸》)里除几首和他人合作的歌曲外,几乎所有的作品都是Delta本人的独创,“我希望这张专辑能反映我生命中的这段时光,每首歌都是我对往事的回忆。” <BR>专辑里的主打歌曲“Born to try”一直以来都是电台点播的热门,Delta以她典型的中板抒情风格赢得了听者的心,而中间的高音部分更显示出她坚定的信仰和坚实的唱功。歌曲歌词激励人心,旋律奔放昂扬。</P>

很傻很天真 发表于 2009-3-9 11:30

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