LILY 发表于 2009-1-28 16:23

<P align=center>最好的时光<BR>便是和家人一起<BR>即时远在天涯<BR>也会有紧握的信念和牵挂</P>
<P align=center>最好的你<BR>也便是和家人一起的时光<BR>即时远在天涯<BR>一样有坚定的笑容和快乐</P>
<P align=center>愿在这个举家团圆的日子里<BR>每个人都有最幸福的笑脸<BR>都是最好的自己~</P>
<P align=center>祝大家<BR>春节快乐!<BR>万事如意~O(∩_∩)O~</P>
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<P align=center>The Best you never had - Leona Lewis </P>
<P align=center>I was so in love with you 和你沉醉在愛中 <BR>There was nothing I could do 讓我別無他法 <BR>Wouldn't give me the time of day 時間無法計算 <BR>Now you wanna be with me 現在你也和我一起 <BR>You say you wanna be with me 你說你也要和我沉醉其中<BR>You said I was the best 你說我如此的特別 <BR>Gave your love out the rest 讓你的愛有了寄託 <BR>There was nothing I could say 我無法言語 <BR>It's going good for me 這對我的重要 <BR>You say you wanna be with me 你說你也要和我沉醉其中 <BR>Now 即是現在 <BR>Yeah you're telling me that 你所告訴我的 <BR>I am were it's at <BR>But I ain't having none of that....讓我心慌意亂 </P>
<P align=center>Because I told you, you would look to regret it, 因為我的回應~讓你悵然若失~ <BR>And now I don't wanna make you feel bad, 而我不願讓你感到難過 <BR>But when it comes to me just forget it, 且讓我遺忘 <BR>I'll be the best you never had, 我將呈現最好的給你 <BR>You put me through so many emotions, 你帶給我如此多的情感 <BR>Now baby it's besides the fact, 就是現在~寶貝!!讓我們一起面對 <BR>'cause in your empty heart I had left a mark, 因為我已佔有你的心 <BR>The best you never had. 讓你擁有前所未有的美好 <BR>No, No, No <BR>You saw me as a friend, 你視我為朋友 <BR>Baby I don't want revenge, 寶貝~我不願報復 <BR>But if you must know the truth, 但若你知道事實 <BR>What you didn't see in me <BR>Reflects what you will never be now, 你的視而未見反映著你的絕決 <BR>When you're telling me I was always the one, 當你訴說著我是你的唯一 <BR>I feel your desperation. 我感受到你的不顧一切 </P>
<P align=center>Because I told you, you would look to regret it, 因為我的回應~讓你悵然若失~ <BR>And now I don't wanna make you feel bad, 而我不願讓你感到難過 <BR>But when it comes to me just forget it, 且讓我遺忘 <BR>I'll be the best you never had, 我將呈現最好的給你 <BR>You put me through so many emotions, 你帶給我如此多的情感 <BR>Now baby it's besides the fact, 就是現在~寶貝!!讓我們一起面對 <BR>'cause in your empty heart I had left a mark, 因為我已佔有你的心 <BR>The best you never had. 讓你擁有前所未有的美好 <BR>Back rubs, good love, my stuff 危機障礙~完整的愛~伴隨著我~ <BR>That's what you missed out on 讓你迷失於其中 <BR>My touch... show much we could have 我的觸碰~讓我們明白我們所能擁有的 <BR>You miss, 你的迷失 <BR>My kiss, 我的吻 <BR>My lips, 我的唇 <BR>The love I had for you 將愛給了你 <BR>Our song, so long 我們的情歌~輕吟如此久</P>
<P align=center>Because I told you, you would look to regret it, 因為我的回應~讓你悵然若失~ <BR>And now I don't wanna make you feel bad, 而我不願讓你感到難過 <BR>But when it comes to me just forget it, 且讓我遺忘 <BR>I'll be the best you never had, 我將呈現最好的給你 <BR>You put me through so many emotions, 你帶給我如此多的情感 <BR>Now baby it's besides the fact, 就是現在~寶貝!!讓我們一起面對 <BR>'cause in your empty heart I had left a mark, 因為我已佔有你的心 <BR>The best you never had. 讓你擁有前所未有的美好 <BR>Well I will always be the best you never had 我會永遠呈現最好的給你</P>
<P align=center>Leona Lewis,1985年4月出生于英国伦敦。在她5岁时加入了当时的一个艺术院校,开始学习音乐。12岁的她已经开始自己创作歌曲。而当她15时已经拥有了自己第一张Demo录音盘。</P>
<P align=center>2006年的春季,Leona参加了英国著名选秀节目"The X Factor",她成为了最早被大家看好的选手。经过一路过关斩将,以几近完美的歌技表演和绝对的票数优势最终夺下总冠军!也为她赢得了100万的唱片合约!她的首支单曲"A Moment Like This"以相当不错的销售成绩取得了圣诞单曲排行榜的首位。</P>
<P align=center>2007年10月,Leona第2支单曲Bleeding Love一发行就排到英国单曲榜的首位,并在首周销量超过20万张,也成为本年度销售最快的单曲。一系列的出色的成绩使得Leona受到了更多外界的关注。即将发行的专辑就请来Walter Afanasieff, Dallas Austin, Scott Storch, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis和Damon Dash等大牌制作人来担当创作!这些著名的人士都被Leona有生具来的音乐天赋所惊叹,并十分乐意为新专辑尽自己一份力,这也让专辑在质量上有了很大的保证。</P>

紅魔鬼曼聯 发表于 2009-2-11 23:08

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