LULU 发表于 2009-1-10 16:43

<P align=center>转眼又是个周末了,</P>
<P align=center>下个星期的这个时候应该开始打包行李了...</P>
<P align=center>那些梦里回忆了很多遍的地方...</P>
<P align=center>终于在这个冬天又开始有新的了...</P>
<P align=center>回家---盼望着~</P>
<P align=center>周末愉快哦,回家的一路平安....</P>
<P align=center>泰国混血女星“塔塔杨”甜蜜情歌:对着星星许愿,想就在你身边,<BR>曾经徘徊的心如今为你逗留,亲爱的,你知道吗,我爱上你,迷恋你,你和我的感受一样吗~</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>I wish upon a star, wanna be right where you are <BR>You set my world on fire. Babe I got a crush on you <BR>I wish upon a star, can't you see how right we are <BR>We should be together. Baby I got a crush on you</P>
<P align=center>I used to turn around and walk away. Never stopped to play <BR>Cause there was no attraction <BR>But in my heart you start to grow on me, kind of suddenly <BR>So now I've changed direction <BR>Knowing it might seems strange. Love came over me <BR>Feeling the luck has changed. Do you want melike I want you? </P>
<P align=center>In this cold worldwhere dreams are few <BR>BabyI want you. Is it to much to ask for? <BR>I'll take you places where you never been <BR>If you just give in. So baby it's now or never <BR>Knowing it might seems strange. Love came over me <BR>Feeling the luck has changed. Do you want melike I want you? </P>
<P align=center>Me and youyou and me. Living a life in harmony <BR>It's magic (magic) babe I've got a crush on you </P>
<P align=center>So if you feel the way I do<BR>Would you fancy to, to take a ride beside me?</P>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center>中文</P>
<P align=center>我向星星许愿,想就在你身边</P>
<P align=center>你让我的世界热情如火。宝贝,我深深爱上你<BR>我向星星许愿,你不明白我们多么般配吗<BR>我们应该在一起。宝贝,我深深爱上你</P>
<P align=center>我曾经徘徊,走开,从没停下来逗留<BR>因为没有什么吸引我的地方<BR>可是,在我心中,你开始滋长,有点突然<BR>如今,我知道,我已改变了方向<BR>明白这可能有点奇怪,爱淹没了我<BR>感觉开始走运。你也想要我吗,就像我想要你一样?</P>
<P align=center>在这个冰冷的世界,梦想如此稀少<BR>宝贝,我想要你。这个要求过分吗?<BR>我会带你至你从未去过的地方,只要你一点点让步<BR>宝贝,爱是现在或永不重来<BR>明白这可能有点奇怪,爱淹没了我<BR>感觉开始走运。你也想要我吗,就像我想要你一样?</P>
<P align=center>我和你,你和我,和谐地生活<BR>很奇妙。宝贝,我已经深深地迷恋你<BR>如果你的感觉和我一样,你有没有想过,和我比翼双飞?</P>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center>歌手: 塔塔杨(Tata Young)&nbsp; - 唱片公司: 百代唱片(EMI MUSIC)&nbsp; - 出版时间: 2006年8月28日<BR>&nbsp;<BR>流行动感节奏,解放所有束缚,随心所欲的音乐冒险。Tata Young双重文化血源、国际性的背景,使她的音乐散发当下年轻人最爱流行节奏及缤纷色彩,而她鲜明的个人魅力—性感、迷人、难以捉摸的性格,展现在她的音乐及歌词里,实践她勇于冒险的爱情、人生观。 Tata Young已准备好随着她的首张英文专辑《爱的冒险I Believe》,将她的才华延伸至全世界。即将由Columbia哥伦比亚唱片公司在全亚洲发行的《爱的冒险I Believe》,除了是Tata Young的第七张专辑外,更是一张备受期待准备将这颗巨星射向国际的热门专辑。</P>

很傻很天真 发表于 2009-1-13 21:48


八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:21

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 每日一歌:Crush On You 对着星星许愿《迷恋你》塔塔杨 (1.10)