LILY 发表于 2009-1-2 16:37

<P align=center>新年快乐!<BR>走过零八年<BR>相信每个人都都会铭记这一年<BR>让中国人更加团结起来的一年<BR>迎来的零玖年<BR>憧憬期待会更加美好<BR>愿时光</P>
<P align=center>许我们一个美丽未来~</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>Just About Enough&nbsp; --Sarina Paris</P>
<P align=center><BR>Just about enough x4 </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough <BR>Can’t take anymore of you <BR>Just about enough <BR>You got me over the edge <BR>Just about enough <BR>You won’t give me what I deserve <BR>I’m no fool <BR>Gotta get away from you </P>
<P align=center>After all you put me through <BR>Boy, I’m still in love with you <BR>Oh, but you don’t seem to care <BR>You keep pushing my love down the stairs </P>
<P align=center>You got me crying <BR>So I’m leaving you behind </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough <BR>Can’t take anymore of you <BR>Just about enough <BR>You got me over the edge <BR>Just about enough <BR>You won’t give me what I deserve <BR>I’m no fool <BR>Gotta get away from you </P>
<P align=center>I have given all to you <BR>Gotta change my point of view <BR>‘Cause all I get in return <BR>Is a heart getting torn apart </P>
<P align=center>You got me crying <BR>So I’m leaving you behind </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough <BR>Can’t take anymore of you <BR>Just about enough <BR>You got me over the edge <BR>Just about enough <BR>You won’t give me what I deserve <BR>I’m no fool <BR>Gotta get away from you </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough x4 </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough x4 </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough <BR>Can’t take anymore of you <BR>Just about enough <BR>You got me over the edge <BR>Just about enough <BR>You won’t give me what I deserve <BR>I’m no fool <BR>Gotta get away from you </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough x4 </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough x4 </P>
<P align=center>Just about enough</P>
<P align=center>Sarina的第一首乐曲"Mystery Man"收录於加拿大的Captain 唱片公司发行的自由曲风合辑"Freestyle Is Alive In '95",但要到1996年,当她参与教授意大利孩童以英语歌唱的活动时,才被EMI意大利分部的Nico Spinosa所发掘,正式开始其歌艺事业。在2001年她推出首张个人单曲"Look at Us",并在电台中广为热播,虽然未足以让其打入美国Billboard流行榜头40名,但是仍成功挤身另一个流行榜Rhythmic Top 40。不久以后,她推出其首张个人专辑"Paris*Sarina"。及后,她签约Playland/Priority/EMI Records唱片公司,推出另一首跳舞乐曲"This Is My Life",并独家收录於SPG唱片公司代理发行的加拿大跳舞合辑"Euro Mix 5"。此外在2000年,"Do You Love Somebody"一曲在日本编入合辑"Dancemania x7"发售时则以Toshiba/EMI record名义发行。</P>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P>

八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:22

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