LILY 发表于 2008-12-30 17:36

<P align=center>总是百听不厌的旋律</P>
<P align=center>经典的歌曲总是让人爱不释手...</P>
<P align=center>也许你曾经也很喜欢...</P>
<P align=center>再次回味吧~</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>One I love, two she loves       <BR>我的爱,她的爱<BR>Three she’s true to me       <BR>这是如此的真实<BR>All of my friends fell out with me    <BR>我所有的朋友都离我而去<BR>Because I kept your company     <BR>只因为我与你一直在一起<BR>But let them say whatever they will   <BR>但是让他们说去吧<BR>I love my love with a free good will   <BR>我以自由美好的意愿爱着你<BR>One I love, two she loves       <BR>我的爱,她的爱<BR>And three she’s true to me      <BR>这是如此的真实<BR>They tell me he’s poor, they tell me he’s young   <BR>他们告诉我他的贫穷与年少<BR>I tell them all to hold their tongue   <BR>我则告诉他们管好自己的言语<BR>If they could part the sand from the sea   <BR>如果他们可以将沙砾从大海中分离<BR>They never could part my love from me <BR>那么他们就能将我对你的爱从我的身体里拆散<BR>One I love, two she loves    <BR>我的爱,她的爱<BR>Three she’s true to me      <BR>这是如此的真实<BR>When I’m awake, I find no rest   <BR>我醒来的时候,我发现我根本没有休息<BR>Until his head lies on my breast   <BR>直到他的头躺在我胸口<BR>When I’m asleep I’m dreaming of    <BR>当我睡着了, 在我的梦里<BR>My own, my dear, my one true love    <BR>我的,我亲爱的,我唯一的真爱<BR>One I love, two she loves   <BR>我的爱,她的爱<BR>Three she’s true to me    <BR>这是如此的真实<BR>When the fire to ice will run <BR>当冰雪遇到火焰而融化 <BR>And when the tide no longer turns <BR>当大海不在浩瀚 <BR>And when the rocks melt with the sun <BR>当溶石被太阳所融化 <BR>My love for you will have just begun <BR>我对你的爱才刚刚开始<BR>One I love, two she loves   <BR>我的爱,她的爱<BR>Three she’s true to me    <BR>这是如此的真实<BR>One I love, two she loves   <BR>我的爱,她的爱<BR>And three she’s true to me  <BR>这是如此的真实</P>
<P align=center>这首《One I Love》选自爱尔兰女歌手Meav于2000年02月08日发行的同名专辑《Meav》。<BR>Meav的嗓音可以称得上是纯净、澄澈,尤其在高音上的表现更是透明、清丽,让人听起来绝无一丝一毫的难受。而在这首清唱曲目《One I Love》中,Meav更是将她那宛如爱尔兰天使般的纯美声线发挥的淋漓尽致.</P>

八风不动 发表于 2008-12-31 16:09


八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:22

紅魔鬼曼聯 发表于 2009-2-14 15:02

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 每日一歌:One I love我的爱(12.29)