LILY 发表于 2008-12-16 10:02

<P align=center>圣诞的味道那么浓<BR>去Clinton Cards 买贺卡<BR>会寄出满满的祝福和爱给亲朋</P>
<P align=center>Clinton Cards 的店里放着这样的曲子<BR>Beyonce 的这曲 If I Were A Boy 唱得惊为人天人<BR>也是最近在英国很红的曲子~</P>
<P align=center>愿用这样的曲子提前和大家说<BR>圣诞快乐哦~O(∩_∩)O~</P>
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<P align=center>Beyonce:【If I were a boy】</P>
<P align=center>If I were a boy<BR>如果我是一个男孩<BR>Even just for a day<BR>哪怕只是一天也好<BR>I’d roll out of bed in the morning<BR>我会一大早起床<BR>And throw on what I wanted then go<BR>匆忙穿上我想穿的衣服然后出门<BR>Drink beer with the guys<BR>和兄弟们一起喝啤酒<BR>And chase after girls<BR>然后追女孩<BR>I can kick it with who I wanted<BR>我会为了心仪的人戒掉嗜好<BR>And I’d never get confronted for it<BR>我再也不会沾上这些不良嗜好<BR>Cause they'd stick up for me<BR>因为她们也会支持我这么做</P>
<P align=center>If I were a boy<BR>如果我是一个男孩<BR>I think that I could understand<BR>我想我会明白<BR>How it feels to love a girl<BR>爱上一个女孩子是什么样的感受<BR>I swear I’d be a better man<BR>我保证我会是一个好男人<BR>I'd listen to her<BR>我会听她的话<BR>Cause I know how it hurts<BR>因为我知道<BR>When you lose the one you wanted<BR>当你失去了你想要拥有的那个人会是多么的伤心<BR>Cause he's taken you for granted<BR>因为他把你(对他的好)当成是理所当然的了<BR>And everything you had got destroyed<BR>你所有拥有的一切都毁于一旦</P>
<P align=center>If I were a boy<BR>如果我是一个男孩<BR>I would turn off my phone<BR>我会关掉手机<BR>Tell everyone it's broken<BR>告诉所有的人我手机坏了<BR>So they think that I was sleepin' alone<BR>这样他们就会认为我独自一人睡着觉<BR>I’d put myself first<BR>我把自己放在第一位<BR>And make the rules as I go<BR>就像我自己所做的那样 制定了规则<BR>Cause I know that she'd be faithful<BR>因为我知道她会对我很忠诚<BR>Waiting for me to come home (to come home)<BR>等着我回家</P>
<P align=center>If I were a boy<BR>如果我是一个男孩<BR>I think that I could understand<BR>我想我会明白<BR>How it feels to love a girl<BR>爱上一个女孩子是什么样的感受<BR>I swear I’d be a better man<BR>我保证我会是一个好男人<BR>I'd listen to her<BR>我会听她的话<BR>Cause I know how it hurts<BR>因为我知道<BR>When you lose the one you wanted<BR>当你失去了你想要拥有的那个人会是多么的伤心<BR>Cause he's taken you for granted<BR>因为他把你(对他的好)当成是理所当然的了<BR>And everything you had got destroyed<BR>你所有拥有的一切都毁于一旦</P>
<P align=center>It's a little too late for you to come back<BR>你回来得有点儿太晚了<BR>Say it's just a mistake<BR>你说这只是个误会<BR>Think I'd forgive you like that<BR>认为我会像那样原谅你<BR>If you thought I would wait for you<BR>如果你认为我会等着你<BR>You thought wrong<BR>你就想错了</P>
<P align=center>But you're just a boy<BR>但是你只是个男孩<BR>You don't understand (yeah You don't understand oh)<BR>你不会明白的<BR>How it feels to love a girl<BR>爱上一个女孩子是怎样的一种感受<BR>Someday you'll wish you were a better man<BR>会有那么一天 你会希望你是一个更棒的男人<BR>You don't listen to her<BR>你不听她的话<BR>You don't care how it hurts<BR>你不在乎那有多么的伤人<BR>Until you lose the one you wanted<BR>直到你失去了你心仪的人<BR>Cause you've taken her for granted<BR>因为你把她当成是理所当然的了<BR>And everything you had got destroyed<BR>你拥有的一切都没了<BR>But you're just a boy<BR>但是你只不过是个男孩</P>
<P align=center>碧昂丝(Beyonce)于日前发布了她在2008年新专辑里的第一支单曲《If I Were a Boy》。据悉这张专辑的名字还未确定,此前九月,碧昂丝已经在纽约完成了这支音乐录影带的拍摄。在MV里,她扮演了一位女警。 </P>
<P align=center>  碧昂丝在自己的个人主页上发表了这样一段话:“我为了做这张新专辑花了整整一年的时间。这是自我15岁加入真命天女(Destiny's Child)进入乐坛以来,在制作上花过最长时间的一张专辑。我为这张专辑录制了超过70首歌,而我相信专辑里的声音揭露了最真实的我。”</P>

八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:25

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