LILY 发表于 2008-12-11 12:48

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<P align=center>A Little Love <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ---Fiona Fung<BR>greatness as you <BR>smallest as me <BR>you show me what is deep as sea <BR>a little love,little kiss <BR>a litlle hug,little gift <BR>all of little something.these are our memories <BR>you make me cry <BR>make me smile <BR>make me feel that love is true <BR>you always stand by my side <BR>i don't want to say goodbye <BR>you make me cry <BR>make me smile <BR>make me feel the joy of love <BR>oh kissing you <BR>thank you for all the love you always give to me <BR>oh i love you <BR>greatness as you <BR>smallest as me <BR>you show me what is deep as sea <BR>a little love,little kiss <BR>a litlle hug,little gift <BR>all of little something.these are our memories <BR>you make me cry <BR>make me smile <BR>make me feel that love is true <BR>you always stand by my side <BR>i don't want to say goodbye <BR>you make me cry <BR>make me smile <BR>make me feel the joy of love <BR>oh kissing you <BR>thank you for all the love you always give to me <BR>oh i love you <BR>yes I do </P>
<P align=center><BR>I always do <BR>make me cry <BR>make me smile <BR>make me feel that love is true <BR>you always stand by my side <BR>I don't want to say goodbye <BR>you make me cry <BR>make me smile <BR>make me feel the joy of love <BR>oh kissing you <BR>thank you for all the love you always give to me <BR>oh i love you <BR>to be with you, oh i love you</P>
<P align=center>香港乐坛又一新唱作女新人—冯曦妤(Fiona),早于2003年,她以 Fiona Fung 之身份和感动的歌声主唱电视剧《当四叶草碰上剑尖时》主题曲「Shining Friends」,同时又是容祖儿金曲「我的骄傲」英文原唱版「Proud of You」的歌者。2008年,冯曦妤正式进军乐坛,并推出首张唱片《A Little Love》。</P>
<P align=center>除了收录了Fiona为连锁快餐店电视广告歌原版「阳光?雨」,以及儿歌金曲「幸运儿」,碟内更找到她多年来为电影配乐Demo及广告歌共27首作品,包括︰电影《千机变》插曲「The Glorious Death」、《无间道》插曲「再见---警察」、《单身部落》插曲「不做你的情人」,以及热播广告「遥远的」、「我在那一角落患过伤风」、英文歌「Forever Friends」,还有「幸运儿」的国语版「避风港」和英文金曲「Proud of You」。 </P>
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查看完整版本: 每日一歌:一点爱 ※ A little LOVE(12.11)