LILY 发表于 2008-12-11 12:42

<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>Trains and Winter Rains -Enya</P>
<P align=center>City Streets passing by,<BR>Underneath stormy skies.</P>
<P align=center>Neon signs in the night,<BR>Red and blue city lights.<BR>Cargo trains rolling by,<BR>Once again someone cries.</P>
<P align=center>Trains and winter rains,<BR>No going by, No going home.<BR>Trains across the plains,<BR>And in the sky, the star alone.</P>
<P align=center>Everytime, it's the same.<BR>One more night, one more train.<BR>Everywhere empty roads,<BR>Where they go, no one knows.</P>
<P align=center>Trains and winter rains,<BR>No going by, No going home.<BR>Trains across the plains,<BR>And in the sky, the star alone.</P>
<P align=center>Da, da, da, da...</P>
<P align=center>Trains and winter rains,<BR>No going by, No going home.<BR>Trains across the plains,<BR>And in the sky, the star alone.</P>
<P align=center>Trains and winter rains,<BR>No going by, No going home.<BR>Trains across the plains,<BR>And in the sky, the star alone</P>
<P align=center>"恩雅的全新录音室专辑《冬天来了》将由华纳兄弟唱片公司于11月10日发行。经过两年的努力,《冬天来了》在位于都柏林附近的Aigle录音室完成制作,诚然又是恩雅这个有着长期合作关系的富于非凡创造力的小组之又一个心血结晶--除了Enya本人还包括 编曲/制作人 Nicky Ryan和 作词人/诗人 Roma Ryan。‘一直以来我都想创作一张圣诞专辑,但是当我们开始录音的时候却感觉到有些曲子并不适合被做成纯粹的圣诞音乐,'恩雅解释道。Nicky说,‘一开始我们制作的是一张圣诞专辑,但是到后来却演变成了一张恩雅风格的以冬天节日为题材的唱片,但是如果把它称作是恩雅的圣诞专辑则是不合适的。'当然,《冬天来了》的确饱含着节日中那种温馨喜庆的气氛。" --ENYA.COM </P><BR>

八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:25

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查看完整版本: 每日一歌:冬季单行列车Trains and Winter Rains (12.10)