LULU 发表于 2008-11-20 03:01

<P align=center>我喜欢星星闪烁的感觉<BR>让人觉得充满希望<BR>Jem --- 她的声音就带来这种感觉<BR>如星光闪烁般 尽管只有微弱的光芒<BR>但是透出一种坚持的信念<BR>生活需要坚持下去的勇气和信念</P>
<P align=center>要乐观,要积极<BR>无论生活用哪一种方式回报你的所有付出<BR>都要坚持自己的信念<BR>That is what I wanner say.</P>
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<P align=center>I Always Knew </P>
<P align=center>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - by&nbsp; Jem </P>
<P align=center>I always knew I would one day be here <BR>But I couldn't be a puppet on a string <BR>I've had my fights, often I've been KO'd <BR>But I've got back up though I won't give in <BR>And now I know how it works <BR>If you're too nice you lose <BR>I'm gonna make it to the top well let me show you <BR>And if I've got to toughen up then that is what I'll do <BR>Don't hate me. I'm not so crazy.&nbsp; <BR>You'd be crazy that's for sure. <BR>Becoming a bitch is not what I got into music for. <BR>I remember back to a datching way <BR>Where two young boys started mocking me <BR>I looked at them. Thought I'll show you one day <BR>But I didn't fight or stand up for me. <BR>And that young girls learn the hard way <BR>If you're too nice you lose. <BR>I'm gonna make it to the top well let me show you <BR>And if I've got to toughen up then that is what I'll do <BR>Don't hate me. I'm not so crazy.&nbsp; <BR>You'd be crazy that's for sure. <BR>Becoming a bitch is not what I got into music for. <BR>I'll make it crystal clear that I am not going anywhere <BR>As long as there is music, I'll be here. <BR>I'm gonna make it to the top well let me show you <BR>And if I've got to toughen up then that is what I'll do <BR>Don't hate me. I'm not so crazy.&nbsp; <BR>You'd be crazy that's for sure. <BR>Becoming a bitch is not what I got into music for. <BR>I'm gonna make it to the top well let me show you <BR>And if I've got to toughen up then that is what I'll do <BR>I've sold you a million baby,&nbsp; <BR>not just maybe that's for sure <BR>Given the chance I'll show you I can sell a million more.</P>
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<P align=center>专辑名称:Down To Earth <BR>发行时间:2008-09-16 </P>
<P align=center>Jem,原名 Jemma Griffiths,来自英国威尔斯。13 岁就开始创作并演唱,29 岁才发行了自己的处女专辑《Finally Woken》。Jem被誉为“Dido II”,但她终究不是Dido,声线和曲风跟 Dido 确实都非常相似,她如Dido 般慵懒,慵懒中却透露着一股淡雅;她如Dido 般空旷,空旷中却又动人非常。这张混合了流行摇滚、古典民谣、电子音乐、世界音乐等元素的专辑很快风靡了全世界,在英国获得第六名的专辑已在排行榜上占据超过30周,并创下全英点播亚军曲“They”与冠军曲“Just A Ride”两首热门单曲。Jem在影视中的音乐作品也很多,《龙骑士》的片尾曲《Once In Every Lifetime》,还有《欲望都市》里的一首《It's Amazing》,也同样是令人过耳不忘。</P>
<P align=center>《Down To Earth》是Jem的第二张专辑,听下来感觉还是没有变,沿袭了很多第一张专辑的风格。<BR>Jem的新专辑等了4年,相信大家依然记得这位苏格兰威尔士女生04年首发的《Finally Woken》,人们常常拿她与Dido比较,也许在声线上有些相似,Jem依然走多方位的路线,曲风上多元素,融合了Trip-Hop,folk,Electronic,对她当年的They,味道上依旧产生共鸣,相信大家也念念不念。Jem没有太纯粹的英式,仿佛化成魔咒般,慵懒中透露着淡雅,异常动人的节拍,在半梦半醒之间吟唱游乐,无限延伸的想像着,听觉此时被唤醒了。《Down to Earth》再次邂逅的新作。 </P>
<P align=center>最想给大家推荐的其实是《Down To Earth》,但是没有找到可以直接播放的MP3,只好换了这首《I Always Knew 》,还好仍有很浓郁的Jem的味道。尤其喜欢她的声音带来的感觉。。。</P>

八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:26

紅魔鬼曼聯 发表于 2009-2-11 23:09

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查看完整版本: 每日一歌:Jem → I Always Knew ☆★☆ 惊艳(11.20)