LILY 发表于 2008-11-18 00:43

<P align=center>总是千篇一律的生活<BR>紧张和忙碌的工作<BR>让我觉得喘不过气<BR>今天很想改变一下<BR>不要忙碌,不要紧张,不要心慌<BR>只想这样随意的和你天南海北的聊聊<BR>聊聊近况<BR>聊聊快乐的微小细节<BR>聊聊我的你的喜怒哀乐</P>
<P align=center>Just talk</P>
<P align=center>。。。</P>
<P align=center>我不快乐<BR>总会觉得孤独又寂寞<BR>一个又一个漫长的夜晚<BR>我做了很多的事情<BR>游泳,健身,K歌,看电影,学开车<BR>尽管我把自己弄的无比疲惫<BR>却还是觉得内心寂寞<BR>朋友说是因为自己还不够累</P>
<P align=center>Who knows, maybe </P>
<P align=center>。。。</P>
<P align=center>总会好奇别人的生活<BR>是不是一如我所看到的那样<BR>光鲜亮丽、激情跌宕<BR>因为觉得自己的生活真的很无趣</P>
<P align=center>It's truly awful</P>
<P align=center>。。。</P>
<P align=center>或者就这样安静慵懒的<BR>悠闲的看看美丽纯净的贴图<BR>听听舒缓的音乐<BR>捧杯温暖的奶茶亦或咖啡<BR>盘坐在沙发里<BR>沦陷在短暂的惬意中</P>
<P align=center>falling</P>
<P align=center>。。。</P>
<P align=center></P>
<P align=center>i've been watching your world from afar, <BR>i've been trying to be where you are, <BR>and i've been secretly falling apart, <BR>i'll see. <BR>to me, you're strange and you're beautiful, <BR>you'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see, <BR>you turn every head but you don't see me. </P>
<P align=center>i'll put a spell on you, <BR>you'll fall asleep and i'll put a spell on you. <BR>and when i wake you, <BR>i'll be the first thing you see, lyricstop<BR>and you'll realise that you love me. </P>
<P align=center>yeah... <BR>yeah... </P>
<P align=center>sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first, <BR>sometimes, the frist thing you want never comes, <BR>and i know, the waiting is all you can do, <BR>sometimes... </P>
<P align=center>i'll put a spell on you, <BR>you'll fall asleep, <BR>i'll put a spell on you, <BR>and when i wake you, <BR>i'll be the first thing you see, <BR>and you'll realise that you love me. </P>
<P align=center>i'll put a spell on you, <BR>you'll fall asleep 'cos i'll put a spell on you, <BR>and when i wake you, <BR>i'll be the first thing you see, <BR>and you'll realise that you love me, yeah... </P>
<P align=center>yeah... <BR>yeah... <BR>yeah... <BR>yeah...</P>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P>
<P align=center>Aqualung立足于伦敦,乐队灵魂Matt Hales的音乐生涯则是始于南安普顿父母的唱片店中。据说Matt Hales是个音乐神童,四岁便会写曲,11岁给学校写了校歌,17岁就写了交响乐,并自己指挥60人的交响乐团演出……不过Matt Hales组的前两个团虽然都和不同的厂牌签约,但都没能获得成功。直到单曲《Strange &amp; Beautiful》被大众公司看中,成为大众甲壳虫的广告歌曲后,Matt Hales的命运彻底改变。随后和哥哥Ben组建了Aqualung,并出版了同名专辑,在UK单曲榜上冲到了第七,专辑榜15,唱片也大卖20万张。 Hale脆弱敏感的声线甚至被媒体拿来同Radiohead的Thom Yorke的相提并论,专辑中的单曲《Just For A Moment》也被联系到《OK Computer》,但Hale寂寥的歌词和低调的钢琴和吉他更加容易让人产生荒凉阴郁感。03年推出第二张大碟《Still Love》。2005年,Aqualung继续推出这种以处女作中大受好评的歌《strange and beautiful》为唱片名的新歌加精选集。</P>

八风不动 发表于 2009-1-18 17:27

紅魔鬼曼聯 发表于 2009-2-11 21:36

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 每日一歌:Strange And Beautiful -异样的光彩 -只听歌(11.17)